
5G na bonovima

  • 18 May 2022
  • 29 odgovora
  • 705 pregleda

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Odgovora 29

Razina korisnika 6
Bedž +6


Evo, tu vam je lijepo objašnjeno zbog čega je potrošnja veća na 5G

Razina korisnika 6
Bedž +6

A jesi li ti uopće pročital članak? Nisi. Samo si stavil prvu rečenicu,a ja već drugi put naglašavam da sam se krivo izrazila i da sam mislila na ovo kaj slijedi nakon te prve rečenice. 



"Yet data use on 5G often will be higher. Why? Simply because it allows for higher data activities. For example, with 5G you could breeze through a 4K film download, while on 4G you might be tempted to stick with a 1080p version so that you won’t be waiting for it all day.…


Ovo su nalazi Opensignala

Data from the first year or so of 5G shows that data consumption is significantly higher. Opensignal found that in six leading 5G countries during September 2020, 5G smartphone users consumed between 1.7 and 2.7 times more mobile data than 4G users.



Da ne kopiram cijeli tekst, stavit ću još i zaključak



The arrival of 5G is bringing about increased performance, and with it new data-hungry applications. Inevitably, this is leading to a massive increase in mobile data usage.

Whether you’re streaming higher quality video, controlling an increased number of connected devices, or taking advantage of the new data-hungry applications that are right around the corner, the simple fact is most of us are going to be needing far more generous data allowances when we sign up for our next mobile contract.

Thankfully, signing up to a 5G contract is no longer an expensive option aimed exclusively at early adopters. Getting connected to the speediest of networks is now all part of the package, and crucially, operators are increasing their data allowances accordingly.

There are plenty of unlimited data and 100GB+ packages out there right now. From what we've learned, however, the average 5G user should find 25GB of monthly data allowance to be sufficient throughout  their next contract"


A kome se čita cijeli tekst, neka otvori link.

Dakle, tvojih 4 gige neće biti dovoljno na 5G.


How much is 4GB of data?

4GB of data is about what your average non-5G user will use in a month. With this amount - which equates to 4000MB - you could browse the web, check your social media, and keep on top of your email for around 40 hours. Alternatively, you could stream music for around 40 hours.

You could alternatively manage up to 8 films per month on medium quality, or just about one film in high definition. While this is proven to be enough for the average user, it still isn't a media addict's paradise, then.

4GB data sample monthly usage:

  • 40 hours of web browsing and social media
  • Or 40 hours of music streaming
  • Or up to 8 films per month (medium quality





Razina korisnika 6
Bedž +6

da ponovim tarife koje ste koristili na 4G biti će dovoljne i na 5G ne povećava se potrošnja podataka! 


Meni su dovoljne već godinu dana na 5G . Znači na mobu stavim samo 4G i smanjit će mi se potrošnja podataka haha


Trolaš, drugim riječima. I dovodiš u zabludu buduće 5G korisnike da će im 4 gige biti dosta na 5G. NEĆE- ako im je jedini pristup internetu MOBITEL, kao meni. Nije mi bilo dovoljno ni na 4G, već sam morala stavljati 3G da izdržim mjesec s 4 gige na zakon tarifi...

Razina korisnika 6
Bedž +6

Ne, ja ne tvrdim da je potrošnja veća na 5G, već da će zbog 5G doći do veće potrošnje.

Dakle, ako ja sada trošim 30-40-50 giga mjesečno na 4G+, na 5G bum trošila možda i više uprav zato jer će 5G omogućiti da moja S21 Ultra zasja u punom sjaju 😛
